01 The first stepSubjects should be tested on an empty stomach or two hours after eating, and take a urea [14C] capsule with about 20ml of cold drinking water.
02 The second stepWait for about 15 minutes (do not do strenuous exercise)
03The third stepOpen the outer packaging of the air collecting card and the air blowing nozzle, and take out the air collecting card and the air blowing nozzle in turn. Insert the air blowing nozzle into the front end of the air collecting card in the direction of the arrow.
04 Step 4The subject’s mouth includes the front end of the blowing nozzle and blows into the card. The blow should be steady, and try to blow out the air in the lungs. The air can be exchanged during the blowing, but it is strictly forbidden to breathe back! Blow (about 1-3 minutes), stop blowing when the indicator in the indicator window of the gas gathering card turns from orange to yellow. If the color changes over 3 minutes, you can also stop blowing. At this time, the gas gathering card has been absorbed. Saturation does not affect the test results.
05 Step 5Give the gas collection card to the medical staff and wait for the test result.